Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Genevieve Tait and the woopy droopy New York walk-a-thon

Howdy non Campers!

apologies for the lack of blogness, but i have been overwhelmed with work recently. so much so, that yesterday I hit the wall. I also slammed into it and squished my insides across the rough cement.

So currently, I do not feels so good.

Yesterday I spent the day gallivanting* around in New York with my good chum Gen. It was a relief to debrief with her over all of the intensities that go hand in hand with sleeping/eating/working in a closed community such as a summer camp. I now feel like I can handle a further 4 weeks.

We visited the Brooklyn Bridge, The museum of sex along with WHOLE FOODS (which was this gourmet food place along with a juice bar). Apparently, the term 'juice' in America means water + corn syrup + flavor. Disgusting right? BUT Whole Foods had a fresh mixed fruit juice stand. OMG. We also visited FAO Schwartz, which I found just as entertaining as my last 2 visits. Where as I suspected Gen did not. (I know, right?)

We took with us a orange flower we named LEILA 2 in honor of Leila's birthday back home. Here we are on the subway:

So, if you can imagine my face and place three lines under each eye and 2 bottles of extra biohazzard strength pharmacy drugs in each hand, you may have a ballpark idea to how I was feeling yesterday.

Today, I continue to feel the wall. But it is passing. With sleep i shall be fine. MWAHAHAR! oh yes, sleep shall be mine.

Camp life is settling down. Im having such an amazing time, the days are passing me by like seconds. Last week, PUB was minus EMMA, AMANDA, and BOB (head of shop). The clown flu here has taken some major victims...

Here are a few further programs under my belt:

Well, I must back to work go. Until next time.

Fruit of the Moment: Blueberry Bliss (minus the) corn syrup
*as much as my illness would allow me to gallivant

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