Sunday, June 14, 2009

No one likes the WICKED?!

Wicked was simply amazing. I seriously couldn't flaw it. With everyone saying how awful it was, I wasn't expecting whatever i got! Which must of been an awesome performance, the cast were ELECTRIC!

It helps that I had all the cast members. No stand ins.

The ensemble were simply mesmorising, the music and performers made it their own with just the right amount of variation.

and the house was sold out. This helps...

The only thing that did let me down is the ensemble in the opening number... they didn't have enough VOLUME. but then again, they cant crank the CD up in the car to max volume. Just amazing.

Gavin will be relieved to know the monkeys hooked up Glinda to her bubble in the finale with NINJA like stealth...

Fruit of the moment? VENTI COFFEE FRAPPACHINO!!!!


  1. I saw the ads for Wicked while I was in NYC - was the only one I was interested in seeing, and then I saw the ticket prices. Ack! Too pricey. The only other one I REALLY REALLY wanted to see was the Geoffrey Rush one - my GOD that was expensive too. And the cheapie ticket place didn't have any tickets for that show. boooo
    But NY is AMAZING. I love it! Want to live there someday..
    Sounds like you're having a blast (other than the $100 cab driver things). Don't worry, it's happened to all of us (mine was in Paris. booo)

  2. EXIT the king exited today. so, not to worry. see mr rush in the next pirates movie for $10.

    WICKED was worth every dollar.
