Wednesday, December 1, 2010

go.photograph an emo. Orgy

Today I failed at another attempt of controlled eating. I thought I could hold off on eating excessively and it turns out I can't for now. Every time I try this, I seem to fail in even more miserable ways. In anycase, I feel a job is the best way to set me back on routine again.

This is why I applied for the deputy dean of creative arts today at Wollongong University. Which, while ambitious is not a stretch for someone with my background to eventually end up as. Currently, I am certainly not prepared to undertake such a task alone, so the dual position was an encouraging factor in my application. A Generation Y applicant may yet prove fascinating to the employment officer.

I found a whole bunch of television shows I hadn't caught up on and as a result have a fair few more to spend the remainder of my week on. Unfortunately, this means the internet is now capped, however only for one day before a new cycle starts on Friday.

Louise came over tonight to watch The Silence of the Lambs. She didn't really like it.

Fruit of the Moment: Almond Marzipan

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