Thursday, January 7, 2010

QANTAS was cheaper than JET STAR?

Eamon Sullivan was the focus of my day.

Ever wonder if all those underwear models just run around changing their underwear for ever new campaign? Heck no! Companies just gets guys like me to superimpose the new range of sleep and underwear onto the previous year's photos.

The up side is I get to work with photos like the one above. Actually that was one of the photos i ended up with. He ended up wearing a white brief when I was through with him. My boss walked in on me fondling the office manikin, as the new underwear I was photographing wasn't sitting right in the er.. package area.

Eamon ended up with quite a bit of padding (a chicken fillet from a bra in favor of a sock i found). Later I shrank it down proportionately to accommodate for his tiny tiny frame. *is jealous*

Seriously. If there is one thing I learned about my budy Eamon is that for a swimmer, he has very thin legs. Lucky bastard.

Fruit of the Moment: Stolen-Antibacterial-Hand-Wash

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