Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So when I woke up feeling like death, it seemed like I was in for a pretty rough ride.

Luckily, my friend the coffee bean and Phil the coffee man was there to make my day brighter, better and beanier.

I got through a ton of work today too. Armed with an unstoppable chipper mood, my work load just melted away before me as I zoomed through project after project. I even got some extra vitamin D in with Gab and Lidia as we strolled down to the french bread store to get ourselves some more coffee.

LOVESONG rehearsals went well, as well. We were even upgraded to the "Quasimodo" hall, which was big enough to house five large football fields. Lucky we had so many people.

Both Hanni and Peter stretched their acting skills and after some traditional communal Eggplant, we got on with our stuff. We even found time to take a few "artistic" promo shots.

Tomorrow, I will evaluate how profitable spending upwards of $800 on newspaper advertising actually will be.

Fruit of the Moment: "Chinese" Flavoured Mushrooms

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