Thursday, May 20, 2010

This means I'll have to kick a cute puppy in the face. Totally your fault.

While the sweat on my brow becomes viable due to the impending production of LOVESONG, is comforting to know that people like insurance agents will continue to squeeze you for every dollar you have.

The original mob I had a quote with in February turned round and said they were to tripling their price. I was a little taken back, essentially because the production was not possible with such expensive public liability and mostly because it was triple and I had no other option. Or so I thought. The lovely Angie over at GNG was wonderfully calming to talk to, and unlike the we-charge-triple-original quote mob, she returned her original price within the hour.

I wasn't surprised to receive a phone call from rip-off-insurance inc. after informing them I was no longer interested in their business. Low and behold? Magically their original quote was suddenly applicable. Er, no thanks. You had your shot. I'll go with my friend Angie.

We also had the first LOVESONG run through. I suffered through a few brain aneurysms when some of the cast hadn't leaned their lines. Not that this wasn't expected. Actually, my young'ens had learned their lines like the excited puppies they are. Bless their cotton socks. It makes such a difference when you have production people like sound and lighting seeing the material for the first time, judging you with their judgmental eyes.

It was buisness as usual for the amateur theatre mob, when everyone kept stop starting with giggling and apologies for not knowing lines etc. It was basically why I had scheduled a second run through rehearsal anyway. The point is without coffee this week, I have been replacing my craving subconsciously with the need for muffins. I had a muffin. And later, an apple pie. This is getting out of hand and the muffins are forming a top.

Fruit of the Moment: Page 2, bottom corner.

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