Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm in class... I'll call you in 2 hours

Friday, a blur of work and pretending to do so while worrying about LOVESONG and its execution. Making production schedules, phoning contacts, making sure actors were okay, liaisoning  with my co-director's boyfriend was all part of the whirlwind that had me all in a bother.

I left work bung on 4:10pm. 5 minutes early. Expediently getting myself to the nearest Commonweath Bank to withdraw my ticket sales float and buy some much needed tim tams from Woolies for the crew to enjoy over the weekend.

Glen and Leila were half way to loading their car with thousands of set and prop pieces when I trampled up the driveway ready to play the world most amazing game of set Tetris.

AND I won the internets. I got all four projectors and a lounge AND all the props in my 'tiny' car. GO BAYBALOO GO! After depositing all the items at the PACT theatre, Glen and I headed back to Gen's house in Double Bay and got some much needed rest.

Fruit of the Moment: Wrong Turn Garlic Bread

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