Saturday, May 22, 2010

Chinese on Tuesday

Today was my chance to get all sorts of loose LOVESONG ties joined and double checked. No surprise that I preferred to spend the day on the phone with Apple support, only to be told that my laptop is officially broken and in need of repair. Guess who gets to visit the Apple store tomorrow?

Meanwhile, as a reference to a previous blogg post and sms conversation the awesome Sean made me THIS!?!? It totally made my week. Talented little smart ass.

I mean what sort of person goes to the trouble of making a totally kick ass animation without want of some kind of money compensation or gifting? Oh wait, maybe I had inadvertently commissioned the work while in my constant state of sleepiness this week. Dagnamit! Now I owe people money. Thats shit. Maybe I can sell my broken computer on ebay to pay for the awesome animation. 

Curse Kevin Spacey and his infernal paying it forwardness!

Fruit of the Moment: Interrupted Pancakes


  1. ... well now that you mention cash :P

    Haha, I joke.

    I only accept cheques.

  2. Screw you hippie and your commie ways Im, not paying a cent.
