Tuesday, October 12, 2010

d'awwwwwww :3

Okay, two things happened today.

Both intense, both dramatic.

First off, before getting ready for school, I got chatting online to a camper from Buck's Rock. America's timezones are super different to Australia's, so it would have been about 9pmish for him. Anyway, it turns out that recently he came out to his parents.

WOAH. Thats pretty darn extraordinary. I mean, I didn't know who I was at 16. It's an amazing thing for a young guy to be in a safe and confident enough place to be in the position where he feels the end of the world will not occur when he comes out of the closet.

Cos thats what it felt like for me. It took me over a year to tell everyone I knew. I didn't even figure it out until I was like 23 and even then it took me a month to tell Leila. When ever I would tell someone new it was like they suddenly were going to throw me to the wolves, or suddenly find me repulsive or worse hate me.

In anycase my point is, it's great that somewhere, out in that big world are teenagers who feel brave enough to admit to themselves and their family who they actually are.

Secondly, (and the tablets are starting to take effect so I'll be brief) I went to hospital.

It was 8am and I had developed some pain in my neck after a particularly hot shower. Getting dressed was a little painful, but I was used to daily aches and pains. You know how you would walk for 30kms the day before or do some weights and have sore legs or joints all day? That's generally what my body does all the time. So its natural for me to be working all day with a sore back or sore legs or sore arms.

I remember when I had a year 5 class in 2006, my personal trainer at the time had me really working my arms. And telling the kids the next day I had sore arms would result in many friendly jabs and slaps. They found this hilarious. Hah. Hilarious. I really do miss that class.

In anycase, putting on my jumper before heading out the door was like a thunderbolt awakening inside of me. In just a simpel action of raising my hands above my head followed with neck pain so excruciating, that freezing was unbearable and moving made it worse.

Panicing, I truly thought one wrong move would result in losing the ability to walk. It took me all my energy to slowly shuffle over to mum's door, a mere 10 meters from where I stood and talk to her while hunched over in a frozen curved shape.

2o minutes later I was in a car feeling every jolt and brake on the way to Camden hospital. Mum of course played doctor and was listing my medical history, which she felt compelled to repeat to several nurses and doctors. We got into a bed fairly quickly after checking in and within moments I had swallowed a cup of pills, received a surprise injection and collapsed after feeling a sudden cold chill pass through my entire body and passed out until midday.

Louise, my sister it seems was also sick from work today and came around to visit when Mum had brought me home. Even Maureen and Veronica came around. Everyone in the family was calling up and asking about me. My grandmother had told everyone it seemed, and It really made me feel I mattered when Mum's phone kept ringing off the hook to see if I was okay.

Since then and a lot of rest, the drugs have numbed the pain to being sore. And in the evening, when mum made me pumpkin, asparagus and mushroom pie the soreness had turned into a stiffness through sitting in the same chair for pretty much the whole day. Although it was still sore to move.

I hope tomorrow I'm able to drive into town.

Fruit of the Moment: Ice Cream Party


  1. Hey Kenney hope youre feeling better, miss you. :)

  2. feeling almost human again. When I'm nicknacks and gadgets no more :)
