Monday, October 25, 2010

Justin Bieber has Cancer in Jail

To begin the week with a heavy helping of scheduling is a comforting thought. Securing a gig at Ruse for a week, working my way through their entire Kindergarten department has given me a slight boost in funds to say the least and a concrete approach to diet and sleep.

Today was exhausting. By 2pm I just wanted a nap. Maybe it was the prospect of spending so much time this week working in regular working hours. In anycase it has given some stability in what I eat, when I sleep, and how I view time-off.

This afternoon, I had the last in a series of 4 needles starting way back in March? May? It was for Hepatitis B or A or something like that. I don't remember. I just remember the needle sticking into my arm, causing discomfort and dizziness.

I hate needles. They are so jabby jabby. I decided to reward my bravery with 3 episodes of The Big Bang Theory, an episode of The IT Crowd and a can of Wholegrain Vegetable Soup with Barley. And don't let the heart foundation tick of approval fool you... it's really quite tasty. For soup.

Fruit of the Moment: Multiple offerings of Banana Pancakes.


  1. ooh, your verdict on the IT crowd?!?! :)

  2. It wasn't the best thing ever, but we're going to have a nice friendship together.
