Saturday, October 16, 2010

It's for my penis reduction surgery

I get up at like what? 6am this morning just to work up levels of nervousness not yet thought up by mankind in preparation for my Dirty Rotten Scoundrels audition at 9am. To distract myself I brewed a shit load of tea and made Anzac cookies. I guessed the committee members sitting outside the audition room could use a few snacky snacks during their long day of waiting.

Anyhew, I drive to Rockdale with a new singalong mix tape of the two songs I was auditioning with, plus an interlude of a Dirty Rotten Scoundrels song to give my voice a 4 minute rest between songs. It worked well, and I got the songs pretty much down.

Then the audition with its short shortness, my bland okay singing and the lack of needing two songs in the first place. It was okay though. Jay, the director got me to read like half a script for the character, and then got me to continue with the rest of the scene without direction or change. Must have meant there was something okay. Dancing was a little girly. But I was the only dude in a group of eight. Go testosterone!

The best I can legitimately hope for at the moment is a callback. What I am expecting after a really enthusiastic "Thanks for coming in Ken" is a lack of success in obtaining the part.

So, that done and the wind blowing a mighty vengeance against the world, I visit Leila for a Lee and Me luncheon. Glen tagged along, but he left as we continued onto such amazingly interesting shopping locales as bead shops and such.

This evening after much browsing for new televisions, we joined forces with Jonathan and his wife Naomi for CATAN NIGHT 2010; including Thai approved by Leila and ice-cream selected by myself.

I won the Catan game. Mostly because everyone was focused on the IT crowd.

Fruit of the Moment: French Earl Grey

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