Thursday, October 28, 2010

I read your blog.

When the highlight of you Kindy experience includes kids coming up to you all day and hugging your leg to say hello, and having to deal with a little boy crying because a girl in the class had told him he was going to marry a girl, you know you have a pretty sweet deal.

I was of course really tired because when I got home last night, I watched Whatever Works and didn't make bed until 11:30pm. So, by the time the afternoon came, the 3pm home bell was welcomed.

Louise picked me up early to jott off to Ingleburn High School's "Platinum" Music Night. We attempted rice paper rolls. But having enjoyed some last night for dinner, these home made variety were a little lack lustre. Good thing I had a stir fry pre-packed to replace it, insulting Louise's cooking while I was at it.

The talent night was pretty decent. I went to watch Sean make a fool of himself singing in front of a live audience. I stayed when he did a great job. A really good job. His brother was also part of several bands. Typical high school muso stuff really- the bland ordinary splattered among the extremely talented. Also, typical high school audience with their obnoxious talking over every performance attitude. *shakes head in pointlessness*

Along the lines of Epic circumstances, I got to meet Angus finally as well. He wasn't the 12 foot robot from space I had expected. Shame. But he was pretty decent. Brendan even drove him home when the Aneesa had forgotten her driver's licence.

I skyped the Sean before bed to arrange future rewards of pancakes. The day is coming. Watch out world.

Fruit of the Moment: Realising pesto contains oil