Sunday, November 14, 2010

He may have found God, let's hope he found deodorant

Ninety-eight-and-three-quarters percent guaranteed!

I remember feeling hopelessness this morning. I remember not having enough sleep and thought it would be easy just to skip my 10am Seussical audition, ditch big bands in the park with Brendan, and stay put in Wollongong (and more importantly, bed).

However, I drove into the city. I tossed and turned over three audition songs, deciding finally on the song I felt best about. My throat however, was a sore muthafuker after not warming it up properly. So I stopped in at the local petrol station and purchased 3L of bottled water.

Not such a great idea to consume before an audition, but whatever. I had a few toilet breaks.

The audition went poorly. Mostly due to the complicated timing in the song; and the pianist, (not having seen it before) had a little trouble playing it which in turn, made me stumble the words. Also the dance audition was a little full on. Also I was given all the wrong readings to practice and had to perform cold reads when everyone else had time to prepare. The audition hall was nightmareishly hot as well.

I then met up with Brendan and Morgan in a random North Sydney park. There, we all sat listening to Big Bands swing their awesomeness on centre stage and watching a crazy woman with a scarf dancing in the middle of a clearing to the more lively numbers such as zoot suit riot.

We went back to Brendan's with Ettia and Isaac post big band musics. I met their bunny and played Scattergories. Shame the 2 tubs of Ben and Jerry's ice-cream they bought on the way home had chocolate in them.

Soon, I get a text from Tanya implying my audition was successful. And in checking the website, I got me the lead role. Of Horton the Elephant. For Seussical the Musical. Boo fucking yeah.

Fruit of the Moment: crabby

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