Saturday, November 27, 2010

That's commitment

Stil feeling anxious, I tried watching Scott Pilgrim to take the edge off.

Not really working, I didn't feel calm enough to leave the house for Brendan's 21st. Although I had time to prepare myself to do so. And this helped enormously.

I did the Cyanide and Happiness for a comic themed party. The result of which I have a very cold head now. I mean, seriously freezing. I feel the need to invest in a beanie. Also, I had make up smeared across my eyes which made me look both crazy and like Uncle Fester.

Brendan's 21st had fun plastered all over it. And by plastered I mean drinking. And by drinking I mean driving my parents home at 2am. And by driving home at 2am I mean cleaning up after the party.

Highlights included iPhone stalking, impromptu Pillowman performance, chillin' with the captains & Tuneil and Howcansheslap?

Fruit of the Moment: What do you want?