Thursday, November 4, 2010

He's the male Genevieve

I got that real nice feeling you get when you wake up comfortable from the get go. You know that feeling where you wake up and don't have to wriggle around to make your back better or adjust your shirt or whatnot? This was me. Hells yes.

Minus three points for having to wake up straight away to an alarm.

Had me a meeting with Chloe Madigan, the nutritionist down in Keiraville. We talked about nutrition and such. Later on, she sent me a document containing a "suggested meal plan" It was much like the one I got from my insane diet from February, only it actually contains food. And there seems to be much more of it. And

Today was another write off food wise. Because I've been at home doing shit-all, my boredom has encouraged more eating from sugary things like icing and peanut butter cookies. Thus, it's a bonanza of shite on the menu!

I had a nap with the godson Styx this afternoon on the same lounge chair I read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in. Glen woke me up, and from that point on it rained until I bought this really discussing tasting White Christmas Coles ice-cream. Then it stopped raining. But I had really awful ice-cream to show for it.

Then Leila and I played EX-y Box on the television. We fought some chick with way too much cleavage and two massive demon creatures.

Fruit of the Moment: Pam's Amazing Monte Carlos

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