Monday, November 8, 2010

James Millar is going to send a letter to Oprah telling her that she's not invited to a dinner party he is going to throw while she's here.

I woke up this morning with a strong sense of 'this is too early to be awake'. Mum confirmed this. I feel I had gotten a phone call waking me up, but I never picked up. I also feel I may have missed out on some work today, but my phone doesn't say I have a missed call. So I don't know. Moral of the story is to be awake for phone calls in the morning I guess.

So, I decided it was time to complete the artwork you now see above. Pity however that on completing the design, I was told that I had agreed to make it for free. Which is of corse scandalous! I have no time to be doing free work. The confusion came from me agreeing to work without payment until the company recognised the need for an external artist to design their media for them. A fair few impersonal emails later, it was clear I had upset the apple cart by not supplying the high resolution files tonight.

I started the project because I thought it was a challenge worthy of my tackling. The plan was simple. Make awesome artwork. Sell awesome artwork to people who didn't think they needed it. It was a challenge.

In anycase, this was not the case and now I have no case of money. Nuf said.

The window that opened for me in this situation was opened by fellow thespian Tommy Bradson commissioning a poster/flyer combo for his upcoming one man cabaret involving one legged sailors and mermaids. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief meets RENT meets Mickey Mouse with a gun to his head. Sounds awesome.

Also, in missing a call this afternoon from a guy I'd been procrastinating on facebook all day with, I feel I had missed out on what the teenagers call 'the call of booty'. No matter, he seems like the chap who isn't short of people to call. I shall ask him what he caught tonight, tomorrow.

Fruit of the Moment: Granmanier

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