Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Are you listening to this? Because this is important.

Last night, the stench in my room when I got home was so foul that I couldn’t bring myself to be in there for more than 30 second periods.

It seems my roommate finds not showering before bed acceptable. Shame.

Long story short, I used the common room couch as a bed and woke up worried I’d missed the gong. Also I woke up lonely. It felt really good to get a long e-letter from a nameless friend. Just what the doctor needed.

The one happy day of the year where all staff get to look like creepy, creepy people.

Breakfast was cautiously small this morning. One bowl of oatmeal was all it took to get me full. Come lunchtime, three pizzas were not enough to feed my hunger. So I really cant win in this place.

The Pub buttons arrived in the mail today! And Emma returned. I feel however Emma returning from Las Vegas far more important. I know this because I gave someone welcoming back to Emma a button and there was this pause in which I realized I had interrupted and it was rude and I do this all the time. Interrupt people when I’m over excited about something.
In any case, Emma back. Buttons good.

Tonight was Office assist. From 2pm onwards, we lost the internets. Apparently It’s back on now, but I cant access it in Pub. So I’m typing away in Word. The lack of internets made me take a laptop and my collection of DVDs to the office as Spencer and I had ourselves a movie. Law Abiding Citizen was on the menu. As was a thousand interruptions from concerned parents who were afraid their little one was anxious about sleeping away from home. It’s kinda the only thing you do for Office assist. Take messages and talk to parents calling after hours.

Post Office duty was my second game of CATAN!

I discovered two very important rules tonight:
a) you can’t leave the robber on the same tile ever, he must be moved each turn. And
b) you can block someone’s longest road by placing a settlement in the middle of it.

I once again lost, but played a fairly awesome game. I got to 9 victory points.

Fruit of the Moment: Unexpected Venti Coffee Frappuccino

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