Monday, July 5, 2010

I'm an acquired taste

Run Run Run.

Fat Fat Fat.

There is definitely not a balance between the amounts of food and time for exercise at Buck's Rock.

Its okay because realistically I doubt there is anyone at camp this year who would be superficial enough to judge any of my resulting weight gain. But then again, there is returning home to consider.

Today I desperately wanted to start the program for Equus. I've got this fabulous four side 2 colour bleed idea which I REALLY want to experiment with. However, shitty things kept on getting in the way.

The heat for one. It was close to 34 degrees on the old thermometer and hot as heck. And coupled with a rushed plating job for a full colour print book, things got a little hectic in Pub. My right hand toenail even decided to half fall off today. Leaving me with half a nail. I shall spare you all pictures.

My first office assist was this evening and I managed to not screw up entirely. I was however a little hesitant when a 50 year old "family friend" signed a camper out over night. I'm totally checking up on that one tomorrow regardless of signed permissions or not.

10pm snack was amazing. Not only did the wonderful kitchen staff provide me with a happiness bowl of granola cereal upon my distress of the lack of said granola, but I also unleashed the AMAZING POWERS OF CATAN. My Settlers of Catan Board game arrived in the mail yesterday and I've been hungry to play ever since. Two new CATAN peoples joined the ranks as I once again lost the battle.

Fruit of the Moment: Birthday Twins


  1. Seriously, You were charged $100 for your e-way? I do not know why this would have happened, because I didnt take any toll roads?
    Is it likely to be an automatic top up thing? Please let me know, because I dont want you to think that it was me. (You told me to tell you if I went on any toll roads, and dont want you to think that i ignored your instructions.)

    P.s saw eclipse. The engagement ring was totally crap and wrong. How annoying.

  2. Serious charged $100.
    It's charged when I need a top up. its not a big deal. As you didn't use it, it was most likely my last trip to work on Tuesday morning. Feel free to use toll roads. Unless you plan on driving between north sydney and double bay all day. Thats kinda expensive.

    Im seeing Eclipse on my day off: Friday :) I will heckle the ring for you.

  3. Glen came home from his camp and yelled at me for driving your car to sydney. He has now banned me from driving it, because he thinks its impolite for me to drive it, and run up its kilometres, instead of my own. :(
    Back to the tin can.

  4. No. you have it now for 3 months. Feel free to use it. Just not for a trip to Western Australia.
