Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Why do you think I'm walking this way?

Pub Breakfast number 2!

Running the camp loop was a crucial event this morning. Breakfast contained so much waffle that I nearly burst. In fact, I'm still busting at the seams right now. It was a good thing the kitchen had forgotten that half the Buck's Rock population was vegetarian today because I didn't need a scrap of food. Seriously; deep fried fish, chicken and beef were served on a stick for all three meals today and we again were left out in the cold without an option.

Oh, wait. I apologise. Our option was mixed vegetables.

And once again it was dessert for mains. Except of course for the wonderful breakfast Bob cooked up for us. Bob is awesome.

Pub had a busy day. I got two programs printed. Both GODSPELL and THE CLOWN SHOW. I like the CLOWN SHOW design better, and probably will enjoy the performance more too.

It's the second GODSPELL design I have done after this one. I never thought I'd be in the position where I would be forced into this, but here we are. Above is my response to the show. An abstract design that leaves you in the same state as if you were watching the show itself. WTF?

"The clown shop presents lady business." was so much more dun to do. Think 70's MOD. Think Rock Hudson & Dorris Day meets the REAL WIVES of New Jersey. Think ORANGE.

Oh, also, Pub got a hammock today. And it is the most amazing invention since the butter knife. I has so much happy right now.

I also had an offer today from Andrew and Emily to stay with them in Washington after camp. Sounded like awesome. I'm now in the stew that is thinking about it.

Godspell was predictably awful. But since I expected it to be, I funned it up by bringing a tambourine to clap with and enjoying how illogical the whole show is/the pretty lights. Also, The kids were pretty good at singing. Also, props goes to the guy who played Judas (The only guy in the musical). So it wasn't unbearable but I still left at half time. Totally converted to the ways of the lord. I AM SAVED!

Fruit of the Moment: Forbidden Frappes

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