The morning after staff party 2010.
No one was awake. So nice I thought once again to have the shower room to myself as I made my way down to late breakfast. There were, of course many peeps with the sunglasses. Including Royce.
Today we find out Royce's giant green goggles he never takes off are actually prescription lenses doubling as safety goggles for metal working. Cool.
Pub was all in Orientation Book attack mode. Carson and Kenny readied the text and I dusted off the template from last year and working some plating magic with Rebecca, we managed to pull off our first cover of 2010.
Emma, our supreme overlord of awesomeness decreed it to be so that lunch would be served off campus. Thus, our first trip to Windmill Diner was arranged. Where I managed to end up with a meal I didn't order and a very sick Rebecca on my hands. She was feeling a little under the weather post last night's festivities.
In the afternoon, Ian sends word of a Starbuck's run he's about to attempt. I ready myself for a Venti Coffee Frappachino. Five hours later, the messenger calls to ask if we still want the coffee. Seeing as though the dinner bell had sounded, I declined and waited to claim his blood for my lack of coffee/correct meal orders today.
In brighter news resident camp couple Mimi and Cameron got engaged last night on their one year anniversary after meeting at 2009's staff party. So, word was buzzing with their engagement at breakfast. I having sat with both of them for breakfast figured I'd know about it. However I was made to wait until 3pm when Emma told me casually to which I ran straight down to the summer theatre to celebrate.
This evening after dinner, I was approached by a mate who WAS on my yet-to-be-confirmed-straight list. He was being a little awkward and started to talk about how he had missed out on an opportunity because of being shy last night. The conversation was a little turtle until he clarified that he was after advice for the GIRL he liked. Fancy that? Straight men asking us gays about ways to snag a woman in a hilarious double entendre situation which I originally thought the opposite. Pfft! Needless to say, he is now checked off the list. Two men to go until official word.
I must admit, there have been allot of men asking me about which of the girls are single this year. Conversely, most of the new women have been asking me which men to avoid. Made my job incredibly easy really.
Fruit of the Moment: Strawberry Icing Aftermath
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