Pub remains a Dementor bent on destroying my very being.
Now that it releases me from it's claws every hour or so, I get to enjoy camp as a whole. Johnny Rabe was amazing today and by EAR learnt Moustrap Heart for piano, committing it to memory. Holy shit!? We got jamming in the MuShed this morning and it got me creatively pumpin'!
Later, Kassie shouted me a coffee frap at Bank Street Coffee House. She took me off campus and we talked about this and that. It was great to chilax with a frap. I even got to visit the famous SUGAR HOOT for cookies!
And after no one really knew what the fuck was going on with handing out the yearbooks tonight, we gave them all out and I ran for the hills. I managed to hang out with the pitt band for Kiss Me Kate. Which was great because I got to hang with Jake and Johnny and Amanda and get to tease Simon about drinking tea. Good times. Also while filling out my votes for the STAFF awards (hottest guy/best dressed etc...) someone showed me they had placed a vote in hottest guy for me! Which, was a really nice bookmark to my day.
Tonight, AFTER put to bed AND the staff meeting, I RECORDED Mousetrap Heart with the Studio 59 guys. Thats like half of QUILTY man!? Thats like ALLOT of Quilty. Soon I want to show you. Thanks JULIAN! Thanks Johnny! Thanks people!
It currently 3am and fucking freezing!!
Fruit of the Moment: melted caramel macchiato
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