Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Damn Yankees... well, used to be a teacher.

Okay, so here we enter the weird time travel zone of no return. Where I magically lose 24 hours and defy the laws of physics.

Currently, I'm sponging off the free internet servers at the Orlando International Airport terminal. Which is to my liking and free.

Today has had it's share of near costly experiences. For instance, I had a few postcards to send off this morning. Rather than finding a vendor who sold stamps, I was directed left right and centre until I had to enter the Islands of Adventure theme parks. Once inside, I found the gift shop did not sell them, but had a stamp vending machine. The drawback of corse was that each 98c stamp cost me $1.50. So with a few postcards up my sleeve and a brand new roll of quarters, I grumbled about the 2 hours I had been walking around the resorts and paid the extra amount.

While in the park, I thought it best to have one more ride on Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. Unfortunately, the ride must run on Windows because it completely halted the minute I reached the front. Work lights came on, staff members started to run around angrily, and the people not stuck inside the ride were asked to rejoin the line. Americans get intensely angry at inconveniences btw.

Anyhew, long story short it took around an hour to fix the ride because not only did the whole thing need to be reset, but people stuck on the ride needed to disembark. Also, 3 technicians needed to ride once through each solo to confirm everything was in working order. So the ride took a long time to reboot with its many complicated and intricate working systems. Lucky there weren't any Velocirapors stalking near the system reboot buttons.

Picking me up at 3pm, my shuttle from the resort asked me for the ticket they had issued me. This turned out to be problematic when they in-fact had not issued me a ticket. Good thing the driver was friendly and accommodating. None the less, I will be double checking I wasn't charged again.

Checking in at the airport also became a nightmare when the flight STA had booked and swapped twice for me was not paid for according to the Orlando system. Which was a bit of nightmare because I really wasn't in the mood to pay for an airline ticket.

The first swap was because STA had originally booked me on a flight that got in 20 minutes after my connecting flight in LA departed. The second swap was because I was bumped to a flight that had me waiting in LA for over 12 hours.

Given that the current Australian time was 5am at check in, no one from the travel agency would be able to answer for this panic attack. My wonderful check-in-airport-thingy-person made it all go away with a (close to) 30 minute phone call to DELTA international relations in (I believe she said Chicago). Lucky that I had arrived when there were absolutely nobody waiting to check in otherwise my credit card would have cried itself to sleep.

Fruit of the Moment: Venti Extra Coffee Caramel Frappachino

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