Monday, September 13, 2010

Kissing an older woman

It really concerns me how legitimately hard it is to run for 3 miles. My foot blisters are a little worse after today's run, so I hope they level out shortly.

Marking day one: a period of calculated food intake (otherwise known as a diet), I'm feeling good about eating food that is well, actually food and not made from corn. This novelty of fresh food will most likely wear off after a few weeks.

Today the task was to prepare for this evening's Arcadian proposal to Direct a 2011 musical for the company. Which wasn't easy given no printing from my laptop. Also, finding a MD who will work for free and travel to Wollongong two nights a week is difficult. More than difficult.

Thankfully Gen was there to help calm my submission nerves with a pre musical submission coffee from the local newsagent (seeing as though everything in Austinmer closes at 3pm on a Monday). We had ourselves a great catch up, although she failed to mention the potential move to Canberra.

Submission wise, I had prepared several hand painted mind map posters for the Arcadian Committee to enjoy. It was hard to read how they liked the application, given the company do not generally undertake contemporary shows. But I remain satisfied that I clearly communicated my philosophies as a director and the direction I would take A NEW BRAIN if produced with the Arcadians. Given that, I also believe that I do not have a favourable chance at a successful application, given the complexity of the score coupled with the lack of Musical Director and contemporary themes.

So, it was a good thing I got to play Bananagrams with Leila, Glen and Gen after the meeting. I surprisingly won a word game while opposing Leila for three rounds. No joke. It's pretty much a near impossible feat.

Fruit of the Moment: White Raspberry

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