Thursday, March 25, 2010

Burn the ADOBE Witch!

Lets delve into my interesting SMS inbox shall we? I got a few bites today, which is always fun. Pay attention, there will be a pop quiz.

Louise Mobile
il se wat i can do.
Im just at woolies

Are you auditioning for title of show? I got n audition on Tuesday :)

Yeah they had to split the auditions ti Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. I love the music it's awesome :) are you going to see edges?

Go to :) look it up. The music is beautiful

Leon Peter Spencer
Hi K-man, sorry i missed your call. Congrats on the casting. I think i'm still interested in doing those songs. Will have to talk you though. I finish work at 8:30. Could talk then ? Leon

Lyn SMT?
Hello. Tuesday my place about 7pm.

Lyn SMT?

From the above, we can divulge the following things:
a) Trying to spell while waiting in line at Woolworths is near impossible.
b) Nico! loves allot of musicals, using adjectives such as 'awesome' and 'beautiful' to back this up.
c) Leon is currently doing his honors year at uni. And feels the need to express his Essay writing techniques
d) Lyn uses SMS to its EXTREME advantage
e) Kenney wonders about why 'Lyn' would have the TLA (three letter acronym) of 'SMT' after her name. He is obviously a nundle for thinking such.


1) True/False: Kenney Ran 10 miles today

2) Multiple Choice:

What did Kenney make for dinner?
a) stir fry with beetroot and walnuts
b) bruschetta with balsamic vinegar and seeded sourdough
c) rice paper rolls
d) vegetable and tofu soup

3) Flannery Culp is famous for what?

4) Write an essay demonstrating your skills at essay writing.

5) How many productions of [title of show] is Kenney involved in?

TEST WORTH: 40% of your final mark

Fruit of the Moment: Rude French breadness

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