Thursday, March 18, 2010

Is there anything weird about two dudes sharing a bed these days?

Today, as incredulous as it sounds; I had a conversation with Mr Wednesday. Several conversations, actually.

Mr Wednesday, for those not playing at home is a cute intern in marketing that I enjoy every Wednesday and Thursday. He is not to be confused with the taller, lankier Mr Monday who can easily be mistaken for Eamon Sullivan.

I even discovered what his name was! Very exciting news right? Well, I'm excited. It seems Mr Wednesday is a laugh-er. My quips were on fire today as a result. He was the one that stopped me on a trip down the hall to the bathroom, and we had a decent introduction: Hi. Hi. Shake hands. What you do? Oh, that's interesting... What do I do? All while sizing each other up for any gay body language, etc... You know. normal non stalker-ish behavior you come to expect in a professional environment.

In anycase, he's a pretty nice guy. Today, they had him sorting a mountain of coat hangers into several boxes. We had an office farewell for one of the employees this afternoon, which gave us a neato chance at a good old chat over cake. He was so excited for cake. It was adorable. Like a kid who's just gotten the command of how many spoonfuls of Milo shall go into their milk.

I believe after our third 'lets-stop-work-and-have-a-chat moment of the day, I suggested coffee next Wednesday.

We shall see where this goes, but I'm quite glad that Mr Wednesday has a voice and a personality. Unlike, I suspect Mr Monday whose normal sitting position is shoulders slouched and legs sprawled ready for more boredom.

Meanwhile, I have a new contact for LOVESONG. Hopefully, the auditionee will be a winner.

Also, Bernadette and I caught up for sushi dinner tonight. It was amazing. As was the Edamame. As was the post sushi coffee. As was the company. I do love a great night out with my red headed cousin, who awkwardly got mistaken for my 'girlfriend'. Bernadette happily corrected the sheltered shop assistant. I love Newtown.

Fruit of the Moment: Threadless tees

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