Sunday, March 21, 2010

Where are you? I shall bring the present.

So guess who was a grumpy pants man last night?

This morning, after sleeping in until 11:3o I felt so happy, so rested and so chipper that even my 35g of cereal looked welcoming. It could have of course been the coffee Leila provided for me on waking... It seems her suggestion of closing the blinds did me very well.

Today's performance of Spelling Bee was in the words of Vee Riley: H'AMAZING. I began the run with a sandwich of mushroom, asparagus, cheese, tomato and spinach. Then, it all went uphill from there. Even though Chae wore his actual shoes on stage instead of his red ones and Juliette had absolutely no voice or health bar left.

Just as well because my WHOLE FAMILY had come, and my cousin Bernadette even managed to get herself selected to come up on stage to compete. She ended up being the best EVAH! It was fun having a friend on stage and performing to them.

Post Show, the musical director Adam was hosting a Soirée at his Wollongong Pad. I however was unable to attend as I took the family down to Keira Street's Viet Cafe. It was a delicious dinner. AND I discovered I could eat THREE whole rice paper rolls for dinner after a quick txt to my nutritionist. THREE!!! That's like one more than how many sushi I can eat for dinner. So so so happy.

The worst thing that happened today was that Wollies had run out of fresh asparagus... Pretty Awesome day, I must say.

Fruit of the Moment: Oyster Sauce

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