Thursday, March 11, 2010

Forgot the Sushi!

Boy am I tired!

this evening was spent against my better judgment preparing a missive 64 Cupcakes for the Spelling Bee opening tomorrow. Thats just the base of a five container high structure balancing on the kitchen top. Currently, my dinner for tomorrow night is bubbling away on the stove, reducing if you will so I thought i'd get this out of the way for today.

I wouldnt have been so late with everything, however Dad and I had organised to mow Louise's lawn this afternoon after work. And seeing as it has never been moved, it was quite the task. Currently a massive pile of fire hazzardness... i err... mean um, grass clippings is nestled against the neighbour's fence.

I even have to take time to fold and pack my clothes for the weekend before going to bed.

This food is problematic.

Fruit of the Moment: Unwanted banana cake

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